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What Is An Electric Trailer Dolly?

What Is An Electric Trailer Dolly?

If you’re asking, “What is an electric trailer dolly?” you’re in the right place! An electric trailer dolly makes moving your trailers short distances a breeze. 

It is a motorized device with a ball that quickly attaches to the trailer hitch. It is capable of pushing or pulling your trailer around your lot. 

Instead of trying to move the weight of your trailer by yourself, an electric dolly allows you to precisely move your trailer without breaking a sweat. There’s no need to hook the trailer up to your tow vehicle or break your back trying to get it to budge. 

Ready to explore the world of electric motorized dollies in more depth? In the next section, we'll discover their benefits and guide you through what to consider before making a purchase.

Let’s keep rolling!

What Is An Electric Trailer Dolly Used For?

An electric trailer dolly is most often used for moving heavier trailers around your property, which might seem inconsequential until you realize all the benefits trailer dollies offer. 

  • Precise Movements
  • Avoiding Storage Fees
  • Saving Your Back
  • Saving Time
  • Preventing Theft

I’ve backed many trailers into tight areas. Still, it’s always a bit nerve-wracking because it’s difficult to see, and minor adjustments using a vehicle aren’t as easy as they are when using an electric-powered trailer dolly. When using a remote control trailer mover, you can make minor adjustments and maneuver the trailer to the exact spot it needs to go. There’s no longer an excuse for “close enough.” 

Because you can place your trailer exactly where it needs to go, you’ll eliminate the need for those expensive storage fees. Even if you own multiple trailers, you can park them close together and avoid paying several thousand dollars a year in some instances.

In my opinion, the most significant benefit of owning an electric trailer dolly is the effortless moving. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve tweaked my back or run over my toe while trying to move a trailer without a dolly. Moving trailers is much safer when using a motorized dolly because you’re putting less strain on your body and at a safe distance. Your health insurance provider will appreciate you purchasing an electric trailer dolly! 

Using a motorized dolly will also save you time because you won’t have to hook up your tow vehicle. Despite using trailers my entire life, I still have to make a couple of minor adjustments each time I hook up to a trailer by myself. When someone else is helping me, it’s much easier because they can relay how I need to position my truck for the hitch and ball to line up. An electric trailer dolly eliminates the need for a second person because you can easily see where the hitch and ball are, quickly set the trailer in place, and move it where it needs to go.

Lastly, motorized dollies are a great way to prevent your trailer from being stolen. Trailers are often easy to steal because we must leave them accessible to our vehicles. But that’s not the case when using a dolly because you can easily park the trailer in an unreachable position for a vehicle. Still, it’s no problem for your electric trailer dolly to reach and maneuver. 

You’re convinced that purchasing an electric trailer dolly is a wise investment, but that leaves the question, what makes an excellent electric trailer dolly?

What Should You Look For When Buying An Electric Trailer Dolly?

Below, I’ve compiled a list of factors to consider while purchasing a motorized trailer dolly. 

  • Durability
  • Cost
  • Weight Capacity
  • Ease of Use
  • Storability 

Price and durability often go hand in hand. You can get a cheap trailer dolly that you’ll have to replace every couple of years, or you can spend a little more and get one that’ll last you a long time when properly maintained. I would much rather have one built out of quality materials that I don’t have to worry about breaking, even if it means I have to spend a little bit more.

I understand we’re all on a budget and must convince our significant others that an electric trailer dolly is a need, not just another cool toy, so price usually factors into our decision. I would never recommend someone spending more than their budget allows, so you might need to save up for a few months before pulling the trigger on a new motorized trailer dolly.

Continuing with durability, weight capacity is a critical factor to consider because it’s very dangerous to use a dolly not designed to handle the weight of heavier trailers. Always get a trailer dolly that has the capacity to spare; that way, if you ever need to move the trailer while it’s loaded down or move a heavier trailer, you’ll be able to do so without worrying about breaking the dolly or damaging the trailer. 

If using the electric trailer dolly is a hassle, you’ll likely just move it with your vehicle. That’s why I really like the RVR. It’s very user-friendly with a wireless remote control and reasonably compact compared to other electric trailer dollies on the market. Plus, it’s well-built and offers a wide variety of weight capacities. 

Lastly, the electric trailer dolly needs to be easy to store. It’d be silly to have to build another garage just to store your new dolly, so buying one that doesn’t take up a lot of space is ideal for most situations, even if you have to spend a little more. 

Heading Home

Now that you know what an electric trailer dolly is and how it can make your life much easier, it’s time to order the perfect one based on the above mentioned factors. 

While I have my preferences, it’s ultimately up to you to decide which one will work best for your situation. At Trailer Valet, we have various models to fit the needs of anyone with a trailer worth checking out.

I can’t wait to meet you on your next adventure! 

Author BIO

Wes Littlefield is an avid outdoorsman who loves hunting and fishing with his family, often involving various trailers. He grew up on a farm where he had to learn to load and back a trailer before he could legally drive. He’s hauled everything from furniture, hunting gear, campers, boats, kayaks, tractors, skid steers, and lawn equipment.

He’s the lead writer for,, and owns

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