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7 RV Storage Tips You Need to Know

It’s been a great season of adventure for you and your RV but as all journeys come to an end, you might have found yourself needing to park your RV for a while, allowing it to rest as you plan your next big adventure when travel season’s on again.
Don’t just park your RV outside, though. Keep it safe from the elements and store your vehicle properly so when the next opportunity to drive it comes along, it will still be in good driving condition. In this light, we’d like to share with you our tried-and-tested tips on how to do just that and more. Let’s get started!

Free Up Space

First of all, you’d like to park your RV indoors. In this way, it won’t be exposed to the harsh heat of the sun, heavy rains, and most especially, unforgiving snowstorms. This means that we recommend this step regardless of the season.
You will need to free up the needed space in your garage. Another alternative is to build a separate garden storage shed especially if you have the space for it in your property. Whatever path you go for, though, don’t forget to give your garage a thorough inspection. Here’s a quick checklist of the things that you need to look into:
  • Safety. Can you keep your parking space locked? Are you sure that your shed or garage can’t be broken into easily?
  • Roof. Make sure that the roof doesn’t leak. There’s nothing more disappointing than thinking that you have left your vehicle in a safe place only to find out weeks later that your garage or shed has been flooded.
  • Flood-Proofing. Speaking of flooding, the roof is not the only part of your shed that you need to consider. In fact, as an added measure, we recommend building flood barriers around your storage shed. Another tip is to position your RV at the most elevated part of your shed. You can use a trailer mover if you need to move it and adjust its position after you’ve already made your long-term storage preparations (such as removing the batter

Clean up Your Vehicle

It’s easy to get lazy and skip cleaning your RV trailer if you’re not going to use it for a long time, but leaving those water stains and bird droppings on your RV can cause permanent damage to your paint. In fact, we recommend going the extra mile and give your RV an extra coat of wax for added protection.

Change the Oil

Here’s a step that you can skip if you’re only leaving your RV untouched for a week or so, but if you’re planning to leave it there for longer than a couple of weeks, then it is crucial to have your oil changed beforehand. You see, used oil contains contaminants that can be harmful to your vehicle’s engine when left untouched for too long. While you’re at it, go ahead and apply lubrication to your engine parts as well.

Fill the Tank

Here’s another step that might seem a bit counterintuitive if you’re not going to use your RV for a long time, but apparently, topping off your tank will not only prevent moisture from building up inside it, but it will also keep your seals well lubricated. If you want to further make sure that your tank and engine are going to be okay, then we also recommend using a fuel injector cleaner to remove any dirt and debris that might be lurking in your fuel that can cause engine damage.

Keep Your RV Covered

Since we are already talking about dirt and debris, prevent them from scratching up your RV and ruining your paint by covering your RV with a tarp. It will also protect your vehicle from any wildlife that might dig its way in and scamper on your RV. At least you’re sure that there won’t be any claw marks and scratches when you get back.

Remove the Battery

Here’s another problem if you leave your RV in storage for a long time: battery draining. Fortunately, you can easily prevent this by removing your battery and simply putting it back once you’re ready to drive your vehicle again. Feel free to read about proper battery storage for additional information.

Maintain the Insurance

Finally, don’t forget to maintain your RV’s insurance. We understand how tempting it is to discontinue your coverage while you’re not using your vehicle, but did you know that there are insurance companies that will increase your rate because of that gap in coverage? Hence, before you make the decision of discontinuing it, we suggest for you to talk with your agent first and explore your options.
Not to mention that it’s always good to have that safety net to fall back into just in case something happens to your vehicle while it’s in storage.


Tucking in your RV for the season shouldn’t be too challenging. By following the tips we have shared with you above, we’re sure that you will be able to keep your vehicle in excellent condition even if you’re not really driving it every day anymore. We understand, though, that it can be a long and tiring process, but we assure you that it’s all going to be worth it once you finally unveil the tarp off your RV and find it nice and ready for adventuring again.

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